Neither wings nor am Icarus

Desire to touch, the sky, eternal and blue, come through me

Life of the cloud shapeless and transparent, covering its body, where it hide

Glow of the rays, on my face, burning my brows, calling a race, to touch him

I wanted to fly, but no wings, nor am Icarus, but still I float

A part of land, light but burdened with thoughts, reaching no aim, but only flame

Sky the hideous, growling on my soul, to return to home, land, not fireball

I resist and float, with no wings but only lust, to get the glow

Cloud thunders for my return, to the peace of land, not the light of sand, but i continued

I was floating, sudden my eyes got burned with my soul, and I rest upon my land

Sky called the cloud, showered on me, land rubbed me with its palm but ain't I survived Because I aimed the wrong aim


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