The Dance of the Last Leaf...

Standing in the assembly: tolerating the speech of the principal in scorching heat.

Then staring at the tall girl, standing in front of me, yawning like a baby,
and chirruping to her friend I see.

But stuck my eyes on a leaf, dancing with the wind, revolving rapidly, then other followed it.

It was breathing a passion, on the tree of mulberry, warmth of sun polishing it and rays giving shine.

It was last leaf on its branch, even all the branch, but hope it did not lost, to grow till its last.

However, a strong pack of wind collides, break its stem, it falls on the ground like a corpse, but still want to dance.

Hope it never lost, again made him dance, wind made it fly in the sky, and it rest upon my hand.

It was the most beautiful leaf, I ever saw, lust it had of dance, The last dance of  the leaf was done away from its branch.

The desires of human which always lasts even after his death. He even left his roots to achieve them but success can only come when you believe.

My longest poem will be published next time.
`Tough Love: a poem'


Anonymous said…
Beautiful thought and beautifully expressed :) :)
Thx anonymous...!!!
andriana jones said…
nice piece of modern poetry...

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